Top 10 haritage sites in india

Best Time to visit India

The best time to visit India for sun worshiper is October to March, when their god makes her most glorious appearances. Especially in the south. February to May are also lovely, although a lot more humid.

  • Tiger and elephant watching are best during the hottest, driest months, April, May and June, as tigers come out in search of water.
  • Delhi and the Golden Triangle Package are best visited during February and March, October and November for tolerable temperatures, but you will get the crowds at famous sites. The weather usually very hot during April to June, with temperatures soaring over 40°C making for one big muggy metropolis. It is like the whole place is weeping with relief when the monsoon rains come in July, lasting through August and September.Although roads do flood, then, making for one big mucky metropolis. It can be foggy and freezing in December and January,
  • There are lots of wonderful celebrations in January, from the Kite Festival in Gujarat, Bikaner Camel Festival in Rajasthan to countrywide celebrations for Republic Day on 26 January. New Delhi festivities in particular are wonderful to evidence.
  • If you want to go hiking in Kerala’s Western Ghats, you are best to do so outside the monsoon peak in July and August. Houseboats don’t tend to be rented out during this time either. March is generally perfect for hiking holidays in India.
  • In Kashmir, Jammu on the plains is hit by rain and humidity during the monsoon, June to August, but the mountains are cooler. Roads can be closed by snow December to March, although you can also ski at Gulmarg then. Who knew?
  • If you want to visit the Taj Mahal Tour, you’ll be fed up if you turn up on a Friday. It’s closed.
  • Diwali, the great Festival of Light, is always a splendid affair, falling in either October or November.
  • Don’t underestimate how cold in can get in rural central India in November to January – literally woolly hats and gloves and hot water bottles for nights and early mornings – but gloriously sunny days.
  • According to Ayurveda tradition, the best season for rejuvenation therapies is monsoon because the pores of the body open wide allowing them to fully absorb the oils and therapeutic treatments.


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Posted by Sarika Chauhan

Ghum India Ghum is one of the leading travel company in Delhi which offers tours for all parts of India. We have our destination expert for all important destinations in India and Abroad. Our journey started in 2014 with a prime motive of providing hassle free services to all our guests.

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